How To Turn Off Avast Web Shield?

 If you are one of the many people who depend on the internet and technology by a wide margin, this blog will be able to help you in several ways. All of us live in a world where every individual has access to the internet. Although it helps us in multiple ways, it also makes life challenging in different ways. With the help of the web, several people get into your laptop, smartphone, or computer. This factor leads to numerous issues, such as hacking, virus infestation, document theft, identity theft, money loss, etc.

As a result, you should try your best to safeguard your laptop or smartphone with the assistance of an anti-virus software program. If you are looking for a heavy-duty application, you should learn more about Norton. They are one of the best in the business because of the several products and services it provides its customers. You may get more details about it then call the Norton support team without any difficulty. You may contact them whenever you want according to your requirements and preferences.

If this is your first time considering this software program, you may not where to begin or what to do. In circumstances like these, you may speak to the Norton staff without any further consideration. They are available throughout the day to make things more convenient for you. You can email, call, live chat, or text them with your concerns and they will get back to you with appropriate answers and solutions effectively and rapidly. In addition to that, you may take the assistance of this blog to learn how to turn off your Avast web shield. Let us now take a detailed look at the steps:

  • The first thing you need to do is open the Avast application on your system and go to the Settings option
  • Once the new page is open in front of you, tap on the Shields option under the Protection category
  • Another page will open on your screen, scroll down to the bottom of the Configure Shield category and select the Web Shield option
  • You will notice a box with a tick when the new page appears, deselect it 

The Avast Technical Support 021 234 8801 Ireland team will be able to help you with the above instructions appropriately
